Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Huger(er) update.

Again, no real time to write. Hopefully it's true that pictures are worth a thousand words, 'cause here comes a small novel...

We got the engine back in the car.

I left of some of the critical parts off in order to make installation easier. Now it was time to get all those parts back on. A task made much more difficult when the engine is crammed into the tight quarters of the engine compartment.
After a few hours of work it's all back together, but I don't have a battery to crank it over. I don't want to use a stock battery because they're very large and heavy - something not really conducive to race intentions. Stock batteries are made to start a car in all 4 seasons, thus their size and weight. I only need to start this car in 1 season, kind of like a lawn tractor. So that's what I did - bought a biggest tractor battery I could find. It was still a good 1/3 smaller and probably 15 lbs lighter. Best of all, it's got more than enough power to crank a Neon motor.

So now, its all back together and ready to crank.

It's been well over a month of work to get the engine to this point. Countless runs to auto parts stores, hours and hours online doing research and asking questions, and most of all working until 1am practically every night. The shop is completely trashed - I even took a couple of breaks to clean it up so I could continue to actually get some work done. And it still looks like this:

The car, for all the work doesn't look any closer to being a "Race Car"

Guess I should start it and see if it runs...

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