Sunday, November 18, 2007

Uhhhhhhhhh, what?

Just read a big forum discussion about National Auto Sport Association's (N.A.S.A.) decision to eliminate the Spec Neon class from their lineup.
Are you freakin' kidding me?? I haven't even finished building the car, and the class has been killed?

Great. That's just great.

All ranting aside, the decision doesn't really affect me in the least. You see, the track that I'll be racing at (Waterford Hills) is THE Spec Neon motherland, and will continue as such because they run by their own set of rules - so I'll have a place to race for a long time to come.
I'm still upset by N.A.S.A.'s decision to kill Spec Neon because it means that if I should decide to race somewhere other than Waterford Hills, I'll potentially be "re-classed" into a class where I'm seriously outgunned.
If you consider the fact that the entry fees for a race at some of the national tracks can be triple that of a Waterford race, this reduces the "YIPPEEEE" quotient considerably. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't imagine spending $300-$400 a weekend in entry fees to helplessly trundle along in last place will be heralded as the "BEST WEEKEND EVER!!".

Spec Neon was conceived as a low-cost, entry level way to get racing. This latest move is a baby step away from that. We all know what happens after baby learns to walk....That's right - N.A.S.A.'s going to trip on the living room rug and hits it's head on the coffee table.

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